About ltmh
About Us
what we do
Let’s Talk Mental Health (LTMH) is an Organisation that aims to eliminate the stigma around mental illnesses by raising awareness through Art.
We provide a confidential and safe environment for people to talk openly about issues they face mentally and things interrupting their mental space. Connecting with Sustainable development goals (SDGs) we help individuals overcome their struggles by spreading love and positivity, and also directing them towards professional help as per need.This is a privilege that over 1.2 million people have directly benefited through our campaigns on social media and in the field around the world.
Our goal is to attain a generation that is full of compassion, empathy, mental wellness and productivity.
1st November 2018
By Anusha Chowdhury and Sankhulani Daka
featured on
Sankhulani Daka’s passion for mental health stems from his own story of struggles that
he faced from an early age which had a major impact on his mental health. He has had
a rough journey overcoming anxiety, depression and suicidal thoughts. The man was
bullied and called all sorts of ugly names. He is someone who understands the effects
of mental illnesses, hence he hopes to bring healing to people who have been through a
traumatic/stressful experience. Today helping other people with kindness is like a life
motto for him that he wakes up with everyday.
Sankhulani Daka’s passion for mental health stems from his own story of struggles that
he faced from an early age which had a major impact on his mental health. He has had
a rough journey overcoming anxiety, depression and suicidal thoughts. The man was
bullied and called all sorts of ugly names. He is someone who understands the effects
of mental illnesses, hence he hopes to bring healing to people who have been through a
traumatic/stressful experience. Today helping other people with kindness is like a life
motto for him that he wakes up with everyday.
The Legendary Michael On His Last Shift,
Buckley’s Corner, 25 Sep 2018
Happy Hour, As Usual,
Buckley’s Corner, 23 Feb 2019
Buckley’s Corner Lives Forever!,
Buckley’s Corner, 2 Jan 2019
Birthday Party To Michell,
Buckley’s Corner, 12 Mar 2019
Sunday Vibes,
Buckley’s Corner, 8 May 2019
Pablo The DJ Making Some Vibes,
Buckley’s Corner, 15 Sep 2019
Cocktail In The Making
Buckley’s Corner, 13 Apr 2020
We're all about
authentic pub experience
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Get to know us
Our staff awaits you
with a warm welcome
Joseph Barnes
Earl Wood
Bobby Johnson
Jane Morgan
Mental Health is basically what’s on your mind. It is an umbrella term for your thoughts, beliefs, fears, opinions, doubts, feelings and emotions. If any of these cause any difficulty in your functional self or in your day to day life, any thought or event that’s constantly causing you discomfort, you need to talk to a close one or maybe seek for help.
Your first step should be to communicate what’s troubling you to your confidant or anybody whom you’re comfortable with. Communication is the biggest trick. It helps a lot. Moving forward, seek help from professionals as different things work for different people.
There can be multiple causes for mental illness – biological causes like inheritance & genes, life affecting events, traumas, social stress, childhood challenges or struggles, etc.